Wednesday, May 18, 2011

2 steps forward 1 step back

Not much cycling news to report since last week since the weather continues to be the worst in recent memory.  Sweetie and I ran the Race for the Cure on Saturday and then Sunday was spent prepping the garden and planting 3 tomatoe plants.  Was hoping to get more done in the garden but Mother Nature had other plans.  By the time the third plant was in the ground I was working in a steady drizzle of cold rain.  Enough fun for one day - the rest of the plants will have to wait.

I can relate!
Was able to ride 3 days last week including Tuesday's hammer fest in Delaware and Wednesday's WBC Hoover ride with the "A" group.  Thursday was an easier recovery ride for me and since then the bike has sat in the basement waiting for dry weather to return  Whatever gains in fitness were realized last week have probably slipped away over the last 6 rainy days.  The rain is forecast to continue for the next 2 days.

Colorado and BTC are less than a month away.  I'm hoping for some serious saddle time between now and then.  


fred said...

lets get back to posting mike

Alan said...

Hi Sprocket - do you still have back issues of Winning Bicycle Racing Illustrated? If so, I'm trying to find a specific article that ran in or around the September 1986 issue - about the Sierra 7500 race in Bishop, California. If there's any way to scan it and email it to me, I'd be obliged!! We are trying to bring that race back to life, and any info will help a ton!! email: