Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Show me the money!

Congratulations to former OSU basketball coach Jim Obrien! Today the Ohio Supreme Court declined The Ohio State University's appeal of Jimbo's $2.2 million dollar wrongful termination award. Jim is happy, the university is dissapointed and everyone can now get on with their lives.

Don't get me wrong, Jim made a mistake when he gave $6000.00 to a player and some disciplinary action was in order. But the university made a knee-jerk reaction and terminated Jim Obrien before taking all the proper steps. I can't help but be happy for the underdog in this case. Too bad it took so long to end.

I wonder if Jim would be interested in sponsoring a local bike racing team with some of his new found green?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Anybody who gets the best of THE Ohio State University gets a "thumbs up" from me. And I hate basketball :)
Congrats on your new blog - keep up the great work!
