Thursday, March 13, 2008

teamroll: weekly ride season kicks off at Beehive Books

Some of the early arrivals at tonight's season kickoff ride at Beehive Books (below):

Fortunately the rain that was originally forecast for today held off and we were able to kickoff Teamroll:'s weeknight ride season at Beehive Books in Delaware. Our group of 12 riders hit the road promptly at 6:00 and we ended up riding close to 25 miles before dusk forced us back to the hive.

Tonight's weather was awesome and the temperature was close to 60 degrees as we rolled out of the parking lot. It's hard to believe that one week ago everyone was bracing for a blizzard. That's Springtime in Ohio.

Unlike Tuesday night's hammerfests, the Thursday night rides are typically ridden at a social pace but tonight's average was just a click under 20 mph. This was probably due to the group's "spring fever" and the fact that many of us were riding together for the first time this season. It also didn't hurt to have strongmen like Cadillac George, Pantani, Dave Chambers and the talented young Andy Will up front pulling the train. Upcoming Thursday night rides will be less brisk than tonight.

Hopefully tonight's ride is a sure sign that spring is on the way. These weeknight rides are a nice opportunity to get out on the road and meet fellow club members. It will be great to see larger swarms of riders in the upcoming weeks.

1 comment:

Jay Allred said...

Hope you guys had fun! Jay