Thursday, January 6, 2011

To Facebook or not to Facebook?

I shared in an earlier post that the social media phenomenon contributed to my neglect of Sprocket during the past year. After several of my friends asked “Are you on Facebook?” I succumbed to curiosity and created an FB account.

Initially FB was pretty cool. On a positive note I reconnected with several old friends and acquaintances including a few folks I have not been in touch with since high school. FB has also given me the opportunity to share photos and stories with friends I see on regular basis. So then, what’s the problem?

The older I get the more uneasy I become with big organizations that seem to become more intrusive in our lives. Each week I read about ways in which FB can allegedly gather and use personal information without the approval of its members. That bothers me a little bit. One step I took to control this potential problem is to remove as much personal information from my FB profile as possible.

I had someone “de-friend” me because I was an FB friend with someone that person didn’t like (Huh?). Someone also lifted some pics of me off my page and use them in a way that I wasn’t very pleased about. All in all these are not a big deal but they are distractions I think I can live without.

So, I have decided to keep my FB account but commit to 30 days of Face book-free living and I’ll see if I miss out on anything important between now and early February. Something tells me I’ll make it through the next 30 days just fine. In the meantime I'll try harder to keep the old blog current.

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